The Path of the Rose
The mystical wisdom of the rose came my way around Christmas time in 2018. At that time I felt the presence of Mother Mary very strongly. I have made several drawings of her in which she was surrounded by dozens and sometimes hundreds of roses. The roses had to be included. I didn't know at the time what a great meaning this flower had and I would discover that in the following years. The rose is universally known as the flower of love and this is not without reason. What has been known to initiates for a long time and what I also experience, is the rose, the flower of the Divine Mothers. She is the flower of Mother Mary, of Mary Magdalene, of Isis, and also Mother Goddess Sophia. She represents feminine wisdom and divine love.
The Sisters of the RoseThe rose is the symbol of the Magdalenes, a group of souls who are connected to the Divine Mothers and convey their wisdom. Many Magdalenes have incarnated on Earth in various periods and also work from the subtle spheres. The Magdalenes are also strongly connected to Avalon. They embody and share the wisdom of the rose, the knowledge of the heart. They are also called the Sisters of the Rose. For this reason, Mary Magdalene also bears the name of a Magdalene. Mary Magdalene was the Apostle Apostolerum, the apostle of the apostles. She is also called the daughter of Wisdom, the daughter of Sophia. She was the wife of Jesus. Her consciousness and power extends far beyond what is generally known about her. She is an aspect of the Divine Mothers. Over the last century her true meaning for the world has come to light again and I think that more of her teaching will become visible again in the near future. It appears that Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary were also initiates of Isis. This is very plausible since the rose also occupied an important place in the Temples of Isis. The Temples of Isis existed for thousands of years before our era. In fact, I think this wisdom goes back even further to Atlantis, the Pleiades and other highly conscious civilizations.
What can we do with this now? The Path of the Rose is about access to the heart. This place in our hearts is also called the Sacred Heart. It is the sacred space where our soul is present and connects us via a direct line to our Higher Self and our divine Source. During a meditation I realized that the rose also contains the “I AM”, or “I Am” consciousness. wears. This is the God consciousness that we all carry within us. We are divine beings in a human body. So it is about contact with our Sacred Heart and our divine core. The rose can provide great support in this. You can meditate on the heart of a rose and open up to your own heart. Using pure rose oil on the heart region is also very effective for getting to know the rose frequencies. The Mothers return to Earth After thousands of years of oppression, the Divine Feminine is re-taking her place on our Earth. The balance between the masculine and feminine is restored and taken to a higher level. We are slowly seeing this reflected in our society and you may recognize it in yourself. It is up to us to recognize these forces and allow them into our consciousness. With the Mothers, the wisdom of the rose also returns to us. We learn to trust our heart more and to open ourselves to our Soul. We find in our hearts the wisdom that has always been with us. All the while!!! By recognizing and experiencing this wisdom and our divine core, we increasingly embody our own light. In the times we are in now, it is very important to stay in touch with our hearts and to remain in our own light. Our heart is the gateway to a Higher Consciousness from which we make a difference together. It is the way to stay true to yourself. If enough people live from heart consciousness, at some point a change will take place. We are already close, I dare say I know this change will happen within a few years. We have to do the inner work ourselves to move along to this long period of global heart-based consciousness.
This year I wish you; much Love the experience of Unity that you feel connected to Gaia our Earth Mother, to nature, humanity and all beings out there I wish you the memory of who you really are that these layers of memory and recognition come back, at exactly the right time you can experience your Inner Light for a moment and your strength is that you dare to speak out and you feel safe and free that you see yourself from Love and you share this Love with everyone around you, you are needed. your Light is needed in 2021 A beautiful New Year!
Full Blood Moon November 30
A sea of knowledge flows through my blood, it forms a river, I sit next to her and listen. Did you know that in the past there were women who sat along the rivers to receive information from villages higher up? They connected with the water, the water that carries information, and so they knew the latest news from the other village. Awesome, isn't it?!! Water has a crystal structure and therefore functions as a kind of memory chip that stores everything it has ever encountered. Water therefore carries an infinite wealth of information and, just like us, has short-term memory and long-term memory. We humans are water beings. We carry the water of our planet within us and therefore also the age-old information from our mother Gaia! As inside, so outside. How wonderful it is to realize this. We consist largely of water and our blood vessels are like the rivers that allow the water, the blood, to flow through. In addition to knowledge of ourselves and our environment, we also carry with us the knowledge and experiences of our ancestors. We say “it's in my blood” when we talk about what we have inherited from our ancestors. There are many beautiful rituals to connect with your blood. I would like to share the meditation below with you. Blood MeditationTurn within and meditate. Focus on your breathing, breathing deeply in and out. Do this for a few minutes. Imagine stepping into your body and encountering your blood vessels as mighty rivers. Choose a river and sit next to it. See the red water flowing. Connect with it. You can ask your blood a specific question. Or ask what message is important to you now. It is important that you do not mentally fill in the answer. Use your breathing to create space and start feeling. Keep staring at the flowing blood, you may see your reflection in it. Do this for as long as you want. This way you make room for the message to come in as an inspiration. This Full Moon is also called the Blood Moon. While the name comes from the time of slaughtering cattle for the winter, I see that this Blood Moon you can connect with the deep wisdom you carry within you. The dark days invite you to go into depth and feel safe in yourself and in the dark. There is a lunar eclipse on Monday morning. This darkens emotions and feelings at that moment, and then shows them like a tidal wave... look at it, feel it and let it go. Your intuition is also strengthened after the eclipse, allowing you to perceive messages from within even more clearly. Have a nice Full Blood Moon!
♡ Full Moon October 1, 2020
I AM I Am the Light of GodAma A Akia Atu Mother Moon her full rays show a way in Connect with your Heart Feel who you really are I Am that I Am ♡ I AM THAT I AM ♡
New Moon September 17 The Phoenix rising
The sky will welcome our New Moon on Thursday at 1:01 PM. How do you welcome this new beginning? This is the third and final Harvest Moon. The last harvest is being harvested and in a few days we will celebrate the transition from summer to autumn. This moon is also all about death and rebirth. The trees and plants are releasing their first leaves, nature is entering its own dying process. She does this without resistance because she knows that she will be born again. You can actually see every New Moon as a rebirth. After the dark moon, death, the moon rises from its ashes like a phoenix - or in Dutch. She is born again at the New Moon. A few weeks ago I saw a phoenix during one of my meditations. The phoenix rose from clouds of smoke. At that moment this provided a personal confirmation of my own rebirth from a deeper layer within myself. About how my Soul has now chosen a life of Love. For me, this life is about remembering my True Self and shaping my life from here. Yogi Katiza Satya says very beautifully: “We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” We are spiritual beings in a human experience. Our soul lives many lives. Always a new experience, with new talents, interests and goals. When you become fully aware of this, not only through the mind but in your heart, then you know that you are always free. From this freedom your True Self rises from within. Now this is a rebirth! This New Moon I see the phoenix again and now also as a collective symbol. There is SO MUCH Light and guidance present, I see it, feel it, hear it from others around me. Where there is Light there is also darkness... and how. The darkest things are coming to light worldwide, and that's good, because this means change. The collective phoenix rises from its ashes. More and more souls are choosing the Light and this interaction between above and below is setting in motion a huge collective growth spurt. There are also souls who choose more darkness, who choose power, control and spreading fear. They are purely a catalyst to recognize and strengthen your own light. When you realize that you are a spiritual being, a creator of life, you suddenly get a great sense of responsibility. Then you see that you are not a victim of circumstances, but a perpetrator who magically shapes your own life. We are spiritual beings with an experience as human beings. How do you welcome this new beginning? Have a nice New Moon!
The Full Moon of Celestial Fire - Wednesday, September 2
The Full Moon of September 2 is also called the Celestial Fire Moon. This is the second Harvest Moon. The last harvests are originally at the end of September and those with vegetable gardens will know that you can get the last harvest this month.
We are in a transition from summer to fall. There is a sudden change in temperature and the wind during the day feels fresh. Those with attentive senses can already feel the fall! I smell the change of season and see the change in colors throughout the day, the colors soften and the scents change. From an exuberant spring and summer with heat and almost continuous sun, this is quite a transition. Give yourself time to get used to this. You may be extra tired, feeling restless or not wanting to let go of summer yet. In this transition you can ask yourself what you want to take with you from the summer! The Full Moon of the Celestial Fire is in Pisces, this is a creative and spiritual type. What of your summer inspiration will you take with you? You may have noticed that the slowdown in the heat also brought peace and you want to take this peace and flow with you for the rest of the year. The Moon of Celestial Fire. Heavenly Fire is a nice name for lightning. Lightning represents flashes, fire, light and thunder. The thunder and the sudden flashes of light that follow can be perceived symbolically as flashes of insight after moments of noise or unrest. The Sun is in Virgo, the mental and organized type who likes to have things in order. Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs and this can cause some “turmoil” within. You are, as it were, pulled in two directions and this can collide. It is interesting to observe within yourself what your attention is focused on. What thoughts and feelings do you observe? The position of the stars brings moments of flashbacks to the past and old patterns can show themselves again. I noticed that I was thinking a lot in the days leading up to the Full Moon, I felt restless and I also saw patterns from the past. I brought this to my heart and was able to transform the feelings into Love and respond in a loving way to things that would previously trigger me. By observing this within yourself and consciously choosing a new way of acting, you can break even the most ingrained patterns. Just allow it all. Observe, leave it alone, feel it, bring it to your heart. Now is the time to keep your own frequency high and stay present in Love. By meditating, doing yoga or practicing another practice that makes you aware of body, mind and soul, you keep your consciousness high. Be aware of what you focus on. Do you focus on a timeline of Love, and create Love for yourself and those around you, or do you focus on a timeline of unrest and confusion?
We are all the creators of our own lives. What you focus on really creates your reality. Set intentions for yourself with the Full Moon and do this from your heart. Connect with your Higher Self, your intuition, the Wisdom in your heart and feel what you will focus on in the coming month and autumn. Write it down and keep your intentions in view. Also send your Love to Gaia and humanity to bring the whole into a vibration of Love. Have a nice Full Moon!