Rose Ankh Healing at the Sea

Rose Ankh Healing
at Sea

Rose Ankh Healing is an energy healing practice in which you are treated with the copper Ankh. The Ankh is held +- 10 cm off body. 

The Ankh connects you to your heart and soul and direct communion with your Higher Self. The Ankh resolves blockages and brings awareness to themes that need to be seen. 
Ankh Healing is a very personal healing session and for each person the experiences are very unique. 

The Ankh frequency is very high and helps support your energy flow and brings deep connection to your souls blueprint and essence.

The Transmutational Ankh
Tamara works with the two legged Ankh, which dates back to Ancient Egypt and Atlantis. Priests and priestesses used their Ankh for sacred ceremony and ritual, raising consciousness and healing the ill.
The Ankh with two legs is a transmutational instrument and brings deep healing and transformation.

Rose Ankh Healing at Sea
The sea is a representation to our direct connection to the Goddess and Her presence within ourselves.
Our own bodies consist of at least 70% water,
so does our Earth Mother.
Water has memory and according to recent studies it is proven that water holds consciousness.

Water is seen as the feminine element which connects us to our subconscious, our intuition and creative power of our womb.

Our first encounter as a human
water being is in the womb of our Mother. Water is connected to our deepest and first memories,
our inner flow and wisdom.

Energy healing at sea helps you connect to these qualities of the water. Sea salt cleanses your energy body which helps the released blockages to transmute directly.
You will feel grounded, connected to Mother Earth and your Self.

These sessions at sea are little ceremonies. 

As a Priestess of the Rose, Tamara brings in rose medicine to these ceremonies at sea.

Flower of Life Crystal Healing
De sessie kan aangevuld worden met een crystal chakra healing met bergkristal en twee symbolen van de heilige geometrie;
de 'Seed of Life' en de 'Flower of Life'.

The Seed of Life symbolises the seed of consciousness and the start of the Universe. This symbol connects you to your creative powers and balances the chakras.
The seed of life forms the basis of the Flower of Life. 

Flower of Life is a symbol for the wisdom in our DNA, as in the Universe as a whole. The Flower of Life is said to carry the blueprint of your soul, your unique talents and souls gifts.

These sessions will start around may-june 2024 
at Zuiderstrand, Den Haag

Goddess Isis and Nefertari

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